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Sunrise from Below Architecture

Teaching Credo

I believe in the importance of a positive classroom community,

the amount of comfort it provides students,

the level of participation it encourages,

the effectiveness of inclusion and differentiation it allows for,

and thus,

the ability for all students  to succeed—

regardless of race, religious affiliation, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or socio

economic status.

But I don’t believe instructors should avoid teaching, discussing, and learning about  controversial issues with their students.

I believe in the power of students—

their ability to question, investigate, research, connect, create, and share,

I believe in the power of teachers—

their ability to prepare students for the world

I believe in the power of education—

it’s ability to mold students into well-rounded individuals, life-long learners, and, engaged community members.

And I believe I encompass the skills needed to create a positive learning community:

one that encourages student comfort, connections, contemplations,

and ultimately,

student learning. 

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