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Teaching Documentation

Here you will find examples of teaching documentation that I have used in the past, such as class syllabi, grading rubrics, assignments, major projects, and more. Please click on the course topic to see what was taught and why, as well as most of the scaffolded lessons.

Writing & Rhetoric

College Freshmen

From Winter Semester 2010 through Spring Semester 2011, I taught Writing & Rhetoric at Columbia College Chicago. Columbia College is a unique arts school located downtown Chicago. It's student come from around the globe. Writing and Rhetoric is their introductory writing course. 

12th Grade ELA

From 2008-2010, I created and implemented a 12th grade English Language Arts course intended for High School Seniors at Waianae High School in Oahu, Hawaii. I taught 90 minute block courses each semester at this school. This was a semester course in which half the semester was designated towards learning British Literature and the other half focused on Senior Projects. Click on the links to learn more!

11th Grade ELA


From 2008-2010, I created and implemented an 11th grade English Language Arts course intended for High School Seniors at Waianae High School in Oahu, Hawaii. I taught 90 minute block courses each semester at this school. This was a semester course in which half the semester was designated towards learning American Literature and the other half focused on the Professional Transition Plan (PTP). Mini-Units typically last 1-2 weeks, whereas a full unit can take 4-6 weeks. Click on the links to learn more! 

9th Grade ELA

During my Student Teaching Experience I was lucky enough to be in a ninth grade classroom twice. The first time, I spent a semester as a "pre-student teacher" watching and learning from a Reading Strategies teacher at Southfield High School. Southfield was in an urban area located outside of Detroit.

What this school lacked in terms of supplies and building maintenance, they made up for in the hearts and dedication of it's teachers. I learned so much from Mrs. Debbie Bowen with this first step into the world of teaching and I will forever be grateful.

To learn more about Southfield High, their student teaching policies, and the amazing Ms. Bowen, click HERE.

8th Grade

Pre-Student Teaching 


While I was pre-student teaching, I was fortunate enough to partner with a wonderful teacher at Pioneer Middle School (grades 6-8), in Canton, Michigan. I was able to watch and learn for an entire semester, as well as create and teach a number of lessons based off the curriculum put in place by the school and the lead teachers schedule. 


To learn more about Pioneer Middle School, or their student teaching policies, click HERE.

Miscellaneous ELA Plans

Grades 6-12+

Some units/lessons are great regardless of grade and can be adapted to any subject area. Here are just a few!

Physical Education

Grades K-12

I started out at the University of Michigan as a Kinesiology Major. After two years, I was accepted into the School of Education as a Secondary English Education major. I kept Physical Education as my minor. During my time there, I was able to create many lesson plans. I have also incorporated much of what I learned into my English education classrooms via kinesthetic activities. I have also used this information to be a short time Sub and the JV softball coach at Disney II Magnet school. 

Click the button to read more about Kinesiology and to see some of the lessons I have created and taught. 

Substitute Teaching

Pre-K through Grade 12

Life happens to teachers: teachers get sick; their kids get sick; they have dentist appointments and doctors appointments; they have meetings preset for them at inconvenient times, class times--meetings with principals and parents, social workers and special education instructors; they have to attend professional development seminars and workshops--these can last hours, they can last days, they can be nearby, across town, or across the country; life happens to teachers just as it does to everyone else. Unlike most other professionals, teachers get a substitute to fill their shoes for the day.

 Substitute Teachers are college educated and teacher trained, ready and willing to take on a lesson in any classroom regardless of grade level or subject area. For the past year and a half, I have been one of these Subs. There is no longer a need to "waste" a day of education just because the regular classroom teacher is absent.

Of course being a Substitute Teacher comes with it’s own set of challenges and joys.

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