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9th Grade ELA

During my Student Teaching Experience I was lucky enough to be in a ninth grade classroom twice. The first time, I spent a semester as a "pre-student teacher" watching and learning from a Reading Strategies teacher at Southfield High School. Southfield was in an urban area located outside of Detroit. What this school lacked in terms of supplies and building maintenance, they made up for in the hearts and dedication of it's teachers. I learned so much from Mrs. Debbie Bowen with this first step into the world of teaching and I will forever be grateful. To learn more about Southfield High, their student teaching policies, and the amazing Ms. Bowen, click HERE.

A year later, I taught an entire semester of 9th Grade English Language Arts at Saline High School while my Mentor Teacher looked on. Saline High was/is one of the largest high schools in the state of Michigan in terms of square footage. They were a fully stocked, technology based, collaborative school located in Saline, Michigan. To learn more about this outstanding school, click HERE.


Essentially, I built upon the curriculum the school and my mentor teach already had in place. I was fortunate enough to also create my own two-week poetry unit. I later used this unit in an 11th grade class at a different school (Waianae High School) since students had not yet learned about poetry to this extent. I have actually continued to revise and expand upon all the lessons I adapted here to teach students of various ages. I encourage you to click through them at your leisure. 



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