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12th Grade ELA

12th Grade ELA

12th Grade ELA

12th Grade ELA

12th Grade ELA

As far as my 12th grade class (or English 4 class) was concerned, we focused on British Literature, writing, and post-graduation preparation. We touched on Old English through the study of Beowulf, Middle English through the study of The Canterbury Tales, and Modern English through the study of Othello. 


With each text, I taught basic linguistics of the language at that time, major themes, motifs, and symbols from the text, then practiced relating them to oneself. This class operated much like my 11th grade class in terms of teaching practices, but better due to the increased maturity. In other words, the vocabulary taught and discussions of the texts were more advance and often went into much greater depth.


These students also went beyond the standard “five paragraph essay” the juniors were taught. Seniors learned how to write a formal compare and contrast essay based on Beowulf, the epic poem, and Beowulf, the new-age movie. Additionally, the seniors wrote a 10 page thesis-based research paper as a part of their Sr. Project. For more info on the Senior Project, click the button.





For links to most assignments per unit/subject, scroll down and click the links. All links are Google Docs or Google Slides, made available through Google Drive. I encourage you to take these documents, amend them, and use them with your students. 

Shakespearean poetry/ "Modern English"

Poetry Notes.ppt


Sonnet Scramble Puzzle 

senior project

The Senior Project is a self-directed learning opportunity, as well as the culminating assessment of all students’ English education at WHS. Students must choose between three projects: Self-Development Project, Community Service Project, or Career Project. Students must then find a mentor, work on their chosen project for 15 hours outside of school, and produce a final product as proof of their learning stretch. Students must also write a 10 page research paper on a topic related to their overall project. Finally, students present their project and reveal the connection to their paper as well as major points of interest they learned. 

Please click the button to learn more and access the documents that accompany the project. 

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